Friday, January 6, 2012

Super Fought with Super False

I'm a jerk! Yes, ehmm, it's a NO! Ofcourse la no. Two days flied with bad emotions. I was quite tempered all day long. There's a few things actu. Firstly, Azhar didnt get a job. The company promised in his previous interview to give the OSH Exec post to him.. and that should be this week. And in sudden, he received a call from "that company", and the situation goes to these "Maaf, kami terpaksa tolak permohonan awak sebab awak tak ada OSH cert yang kami mahu.COO taknak sign surat pelantikan awak" Kesian my b. What can he do? Nak tak nak kenalah cari kerja lain. He took this as a lesson. And currently, he tried his best to find a better job, susahnya nak cari kerja ya? Hmm.

Secondly, I received a letter from director's office. I will be transferred to Research Grant's Unit. Arghh. Jaga geran lah jawabnya lagi. Macam pantet je.! To be a professional, I buatlah muka selamba, pretending that I accepting the offer, eventhough I'm not happy at all.

Third one, I've discussed with my BF about our future. Next step, I was thinking maybe nak amik fulltime. Then, everyone's open some best ideas, until he can't accept and think I should do both. We got a big fought on that point. I never lost control like these before. I was quite tranquil and calm previously, and I dont know, suddenly aku pukul dia and few seconds kicking all things in front of me.

And now. I lack of SMSing him. Hmm.

Super False.

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